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Auto Accident and Personal Injury Chiropractic in Victoria

Woman with sore neck from accidentOur bodies aren’t meant to withstand the forces involved in an auto accident. When a collision occurs, the sudden stop affects your body in a myriad of ways. One of the main results is whiplash, which is a flexion-extension injury of the spine. There’s also compression and contraction that can affect the vertebrae of the spine.

The biggest problem that you may not realize is all the microtraumas from your accident. These occur to the supporting structures around the spine. You might not feel them right away, but there are small tears in the ligaments and tiny muscles that stabilize your spine. As your body tries to repair them, inflammation sets in and the body stiffen up.

You might find that you can’t move your neck a day or two later. Even in small fender benders, your health can be greatly affected.

What We’ll Do to Help

Our chiropractors are trained to find any areas of restriction in your spine that are preventing you from moving and functioning as you should. We’ll locate and adjust these areas so your spine can be more adaptable to the trauma that your body has absorbed. The goal is to reduce pain, restore your biomechanics and get you back to work and your daily activities.

The Danger of Waiting

If you don’t get care, it might be because you’re tempted to see if the problem will go away. Or perhaps you don’t think your accident was too bad. It’s true; there’s a chance you’ll get better all on your own. If you do have improper spinal biomechanics, however, there are long-term implications. There will be increased wear and tear on joints, which can lead to arthritis, degeneration and cause a host of issues.

Our Personal Experience

Dr. Milton and Dr. Bidgood have both been involved in accidents and gotten whiplash as a result. With our doctors, you’ll find the empathy and understanding you need. They know how debilitating and scary it can be to try to return to work or wonder if you’ll be in pain forever.

We’re here to help you. We’ve seen hundreds of car accident cases, seeing them through to beginning to end. We’re familiar with the stages and patterns of injury and recovery and will assist you through them all.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with ICBC?

Yes. We will direct bill ICBC. There is a certain number of visits covered. If needed, we can apply to extend the number of visits you receive. If you have questions about your coverage, please contact your ICBC representative.

What is the new patient process like for auto accident victims?

The new patient process for auto accident victims is much the same as it is for anyone else. You can find the necessary paperwork on our website and fill it out. Then, when you arrive, we will get started with a consultation and examination. You will be treated on your first visit as long as you are a candidate for care.

How long will it take to recover after having an accident?

Your recovery depends on several factors. These include the severity of the injury and the biomechanics of the injury. You must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Some people can take just weeks, while others take months or even years.

Do you work with other doctors?

Yes. We can co-manage your case with any of your other doctors.

Call Now

Get the care and attention you need. Contact Capital Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation for auto accidents/PI Victoria!


Auto Accident and Personal Injury Chiropractor Victoria, Fairfield, Oak Bay BC | (250) 588-1580